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My Ah— ha moment with (c)artbytsh

Everyone has those moments in their own life when something unusual occurs. This moment may stick with them forever. I have yet to meet anyone who did not have an event or time or a specific date that they have never forgotten. They often will remind you of this. Perhaps it was a happy day, a great event or even a sad event. Just recently I had this ah-ha moment and it has stayed as my companion now for a few months especially when I begin to meditate. I see it all very clearly. I just loved that experience.

There was a distant chill in the air. Snow was still icing on the Catalina Mountains in the distance. The desert all at once became very still and quiet. Even the birds were not singing or flying. I had ventured out onto the patio for a quick moment to myself. The resort we were staying at usually had people everywhere milling around. However, today because it was cloudy, overcast and a bit chilly therefore, the pool was completely empty of guests with yesterdays sun burned skin. Even the outside dining restaurants were empty. There was not one sunburned guests out by the pool or the voices of happy children playing. I guess everyone was hunkered down in their rooms or maybe because the weather turned cold they checked out? It was getting close to sunset. I have never minded a chilly day. Because I know in the soon distance future the weather will be very warm in Arizona. So I savor those cold days and even the rain.

In the distance I could see someone setting up between the rocks out towards the desert hills. He was blending in quite nicely. You had to look hard to see him. I could see his long hair, his long braid, the colors on his clothing and his headband . It was an Artist and he was going to play his wooden flute over a PA system.

Let me tell you his music was heavenly as I leaned into the patio rails. Then the most beautiful, clear, sounds began to echo out all over the resort because we were settled in a little canyon high in the hills in Tucson. This music started high and gradually floated down. I could not help looking at the clouds dancing by. What I realized was his beautiful, soothing , music made me slow down my breathing. For a moment it touched me so much that It took my breath away.

I became very aware of the experience. It felt like he was playing just to me. I could not see anyone anywhere outside. I had a solo performance. I felt like I was the only one listening. The stress began to melt away from my neck, head and shoulders. I stood as the sun was setting I still continued to listen to his perfect playing. He changed flutes several times and he played for 30 minutes. Honestly, I actually felt a little sad when all the beautiful music was finished and he began to pack it up again. I wondered if the workers took this music for granted. I wondered if the guest did this also.

There will be moments like this in your own life if you choose to just be still, quiet your breathing and slow down and listen. Being in the here in now is so very important. All of the things in your life both the good and the bad will pass eventually someday. So stay in the moment. Keep meditating for health in mind, body and spirit.
