Getting out in Nature and Creativity !

I am just recently back from painting in Sedona, Arizona. Not only did I make some great new art friends for my art tribe. I loved the surrounding area which is so very inspiring for an artist. The cool brisk morning, the gentle breezes. The red mountains that seem to shoot out into the sky, the beautiful clear blues of the sky and floating, fluffy clouds. This scenery in general is awe inspiring. Now don’t forget the local food that is delish. Getting outdoors (earthing) not only is this great for your own mental health but to help you stay grounded in your own life as you enjoy nature. For an artist it ignites all kinds of interesting ideas, thoughts and feelings as you create in this beautiful atmosphere. They really care about their environment in Sedona and the great energy that comes from the known “vortex”. The night sky up there without the city lights is glorious and I tell all my friends you are closer to God up there. Sorry, that is just how I feel about its beauty. I spend my very hot summers up North. The smell of the pine trees and clear blue sky always get me as I first get out of my vehicle. My second love is Kauai, Hawaii painting on my lanai. Talk about a real difference in scenery.

In Sedona I painted with someone that I have valued her art and professionalism for a very long time at the famous Sedona Art Barn. So this was a dream come true for me painting and hanging out with Beverly Todd of Sante Fe Artist Getaway (SFAG) in Santa Fe, N.M. I can’t wait to see her again someday and paint in her glorious studio and view Santa Fe again. I’ve been there twice. The food and skiing is great.

With that said, the importance of on-going learning/workshops is so very valuable to an artist whether you are newly painting (which I met a few) or a seasoned artist like me of almost 30 years. I’ve done my fair share of teaching workshops in the past. They are work but they are really fun. There is always something new to learn or experience and to be gleaned from an art lecture and painting with a group of other artists. We were all so very supportive of each other regardless of where they were in their own art career. I even met a hip 80 year old Scientist who is still painting. One is never to old to paint and create.

Some of my best ideas and personal growth have always happened outside of the studio. When you get out and see your own world and travel, something inside of you changes with this exploration. We are all part of this beautiful earth and universe.

Until next time . Let’s stay in touch. Please like, comments, share on all my social media sites. This keeps me in the algorithm feed . Which can be difficult these days for artist’s. hubbard

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