Artistic Philosophy

Awe and Wonder

Awe and Wonder


I have stayed true to my artistic expressionistic vision and style with passion for nearly 3 decades. My hope is to engage the viewer both emotionally and aesthetically. I use multiple layers of paint and products to create energy. I incorporate unique brush strokes, versatile bold mark- making, palette knives, or even a chopstick. My art is very expressive, intuitive and sometimes raw. All my art contains a tiny bit of myself and my life experiences. I love creating memorable art with beautiful palette colors to brighten any home, business , corporate facility , restaurants or commercial space with numerous aqua media paints. Today I use all forms of professional grade; paints, mixed media products, resins, aqua media, conservation quality materials and bold color combinations and techniques to create my unique art. When I travel I always pack my watercolors. Rarely are my pieces alike, they are always unique and individual. I like to think my intense spirituality is expressed somehow in all of my work. I am blessed to have sold artwork Internationally, locally and have been collected in galleries, collectors homes, both locally, North America, Central America, and in Europe. When I am not traveling you may find me teaching privately or as guest artist at various public venues out in the public. “ It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.” (Thoreau). All the creative best, I hope you my love art as much as I did creating it. @artbytsh - 2023