Your style is - what you make it!

EVERYONE has their own style. That is what makes us UNIQUE. They have clothes they like, they have hairstyles they like, they have colors they like, they have music that they like. As an ARTIST part of your creative journey is to develop your own style of painting and creating. The fun thing is it can be anything you want it to be. You are in charge! Don’t forget that.

  • Paint often and embrace your own style.

  • Change up your art mediums and try a bit of everything. Until you narrow down which products you like to use.

  • Try not to copy other artists. It is everywhere on social media. Everyone can paint a dot or circle. That does not take brilliance.

  • Draw, paint, sculpt, create, make marks, use texture, oils, crayons, acyrlics, watercolors, mixed media products, collage . Try it all.

  • The more you paint the better you get. Don’t quit or give up. Keep trying.

  • Continue with on-going art education. Take those workshops. There is always something new to learn or a new product to try. When you stop learning be concerned. Who do you admire in the art world?

  • As you proceed through your own artistic journey, realize that there will be times of greater creativity than other times. It is your journey. Make it work for you. Take that break when you need it.

  • Have fun and enjoy the process.

I am excited to paint with Beverly Todd in Sedona this spring. I can’t wait. I admire her work so much.


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