Getting unstuck - in your art creativity.

Here are some creative ideas that I have used to keep creativity going for over 3 decades.

  • To add confidence to your art practice. Keep painting. Don’t stop. All failures lead to positivity.

  • Don’t study other artists. Just begin painting and let it flow. Be yourself.

  • Push all your color boundries.

  • Try a new palette. Make new colors frequently. Get outside to paint.

  • If you made a straight line add a curved one on another part of the canvas.

  • Scrape, mark, pull, cover, smile, organize, unorganize, drip, smile & keep going.

  • Art that catches the eye has a great composition. Just add paint and substract paint or marks.

  • Vary your composition on each canvas.

  • I try not to have the same size elements across from each other. This confuses the eye as to where to look on your canvas. You may have to alter one. Move it up or down.

  • You can add the focal point at the end if you wish.

  • Great saturated color brings the canvas to life.

  • Anchor yourself in the present and not the past. Just let the art work for you.

  • If you don’t like it just rest. Take a break. Start again later or even tomorrow.

  • Try to never give up. Just head into another direction. Grab a blank piece of paper.

  • Know that all color holds some sort of meaning in a psychological space. (x: red- danger, passion).

  • Break up your organic lines. Have some thick, some thin, some broken lines or figures.

  • Make your marks an extension of your hand, wrist and fingers. Use your entire arm.

  • Take breaks and relax.

  • It is okay to break some art rules. Rome was never built in a day.

Enjoy your time in the studio. Enjoy the creative process. See you next time.


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