Intentional You

We all experience the schedule changes for Artist’s during the Holidays. Our lives get busy with fun, cooking, decorating, eating and guests. Now that we are over the hump it is time to get back into the studio and begin creating. These are my top ten things I do if I am procrastinating in the studio.

  1. Play some awesome music while I paint. Or just be quiet.

  2. Warmup in your sketch book. I never have a plan I just go for it.

  3. Workout a new color palette. Experiment. I like using Nova Paints.

  4. Workout or stretch before I begin to paint. Warm up my wrists, fingers, hands, arms, neck and shoulders. Aromatherapy is awesome.

  5. Tear collage papers and just glue them down on a blank piece of paper, then write words all over it, or your favorite poem or quote. Let your mind wonder towards creativity and the possibilities.

  6. Open the dictionary and paint and write that word you chose with your eyes closed.

  7. Look at some great photography. What do you see?

  8. Positivity really helps. Be positive about what you create. It came from you.

  9. Simplify your current palette. Paint just in black, gray, white and a hint of gold or silver.

  10. Get into the your painting space, studio, table, or wall. Then just sit quiet before you begin. What is your intention for the day? Paint it.

Here’s to some great Art that you will be creating in 2023. I can’t wait to see what you will be creating. Just get after it.

Regards, right here