My list of Art Goodies

Here is a list of Art products that I use and love. I shop at the following art sites and more. When I first began painting Artist’s were really stingy about sharing what products they used. You would not believe how many times I asked and was met with : It’s a proprietary secret? . What??? those drips are made with water or medium mixed with paint. Therefore, I paved the way for myself (30 years of work) by trying many different brands and products, trials and errors. I am happy to share this list with you. This is my favorites list. (c)artbytsh

Jerry’ ( they have weekly coupons)

Novapaintcolor. com ( favorite colors Indian Yellow and Magenta Pink) - California

Golden’s (these products arrive really quickly). Thats what I like about Amazon is their high quality shipping process. It is quicker than any of the other art supply stores I have listed above. You can’t beat it if you are in a big hurry to make a deadline on a commission. I’m not currently an afflilate with any company.

Mixed Media paper pad - ArtistLoft

Krylon Gold Spray Paint (wear a mask) .

Strathmore Bristol vellum surface, 100 lb paper

I buy all my gallery wrap canvas/ wood panels in bulk. When Michaels or any other art supply has them on sale.

Demo canvas/ panels are often bought from the Dollar Store as I don’t generally sell these. Also canvas panels are not archival they have layers of carboard beneath and will warp when using alot of water or with application of any heavy products. However, If you are a beginner its okay to practice on these. They store easily.

Mostly I use Nova Color paints out of California, I buy in bulk. I also like their Modeling Paste, their fluorescents, metallics & Pearl Paints.

I like Liquitex Gloss and Satin Medium for varnishing. I do not like their gesso. Its rough like sandpaper.

Goldens - crackle medium, gel medium, course pumice, glass bead, fluid mat medium,

I also like Polycrylic Miniwax Varnish - suggested by my friend/mentor B.Burridge (Home Depot)

I like Canson Recycled Bristol Paper in 14 x 17 , 96 lb.

Flood Floetrol pouring medium (Home Depot)

During the pandemic all my 16 x 20 were painted on Fredrix Medium Texture Canvas Pad. I went through alot of this product. Because I painted two’s at a time.

Liquitex Basics Acrylic paint in a tube (Parchment is the color I use the most).

I purchase my wire hanging supplies/hooks/ painter tape, plastic/ painter buckets/ from Home Depot

Stencils from or make your own with a glue gun.

Daler Rowney Acrylic Inks - all colors

Spectrafix Final FX - to set my work in crayon, ink, watercolor, pastels, charcoal - etc

I love Nova Paint black gesso and in white - but will use many brands, whatever is available. I always add a layer of gesso before I begin to paint even if the canvas has been pre-gessoed at the factory.

Tempura paints sticks, woody’s, crayons, watercolor pencils, Derwent Pencils, chalk, pastels, Amsterdam Acrylic Markers, various Inks, Posca Pens in various colors.

Krylon Workable Fixatif - to set the canvas , in between mixed media layers also.

I love Golden’s Quinacridone Nickel Azo and use it just about everytime I paint! I will layer it over yellow or even white and the canvas pops. Now I hear its been discontinued !

I love the homemade paper on Etsy. I use this in collage art. Newspaper print, paper dollies. tissue paper, teabag paper, coffee filters. I made custom collage papers for my work.

My brushes are always purchased on sale. I have over 300 brushes that I use. From flats, to rounds to wide home depot paint brushes, to liners, fan brushes, and smaller brushes for detail work. I’m hard on brushes. I also use sticks, chopsticks, sponges, home made brushes and other objects to paint with.

I use all sizes of palette knives. Some are 20 years old.

Large sheets of watercolor paper (22 x 30) cold or hot press. ordered online

My frames are generally custom made. Let’s stay in touch. Have a great day! Please signup for my email list. Discounts happen there.

