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Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Your Artwork. The latest trend.

AI- is here. Yes, you got it, it is art generated with the assistance of Artificial Intelligence. Which is a field of computer science . Actually it has been around for awhile . In 1950 the term “ Artificial Intelligence” was coined by Alan Turing. There is definitely a learning curve if you are not AI - privy and good with the computer. The Jetson’s are alive and living in this century. Many Artist’s are jumping on board to incorporate their art into this new medium. I have viewed some very cool things on Instagram. Go see : Ardith Goodwin. She has some fabulous photos of her AI projects. Many incorporate this into their daily reels and feeds.

COPYRIGHT CHALLENGES EXISTS FOR Artists. They are considered open or Public Domain. Which literally means anyone can download your art and pretty much use it for their new work. Look up Kelly McKernan lawsuit regarding this ( mid January) . This also means this powerful tool will be impacting the Art World big time in the future. The trends came Meta, Bitcoin, Crypto — etc. and they will begin to trend again. Life is always changing.

What I learned is you can only copyright human created artwork not machine (computer) created artwork. Therefore, you probably won’t get credit for your original work. If this is so, why post it? That probably includes all the money you will lose if or when they sell their new stolen created artwork from you. So what if they added a different color or changed one design element. The original was all you!

The dilemma exists, all your hard work and time and creativity hijacked by another who may or may not be as talented as you. This needs to be fixed and challenged immediately by Artists and For Artists.

You can learn all about AI - on You tube. Therefore, I am not a lawyer but perhaps if you have a Lawyer friend you can ask them some enlightening questions about AI and the legal art side to this before you jump straight in. Or you may spend your time chasing those who steal your artwork when you would rather be painting and spending money on paint supplies as opposed to legal fees.

I am still trying to figure out the AI - tools. This isn’t something that I would jump right into sort of like the crypto thing to me. Things online go South real easy. We are definitely trending these days towards AI. I learned a long time ago, anything to good , probably is too good to be true. They are advertising like crazy on Facebook these days. Seems AI- could write my blog for me. Who knows they may do a better job. But then again, it’s not really from me.

I have read a few posts from online artists on Facebook that are dead set against it. Those Artist’s will never get on board or so they claim. Additionally, they are the same who think that computer generated art is really not art at all. I am not sure how I feel about this. Because both take time. But the copy/paste key is really fast , quickly done and very immediate . For the Artists the paint over or sanding down over an area on your canvas just takes more time to correct or change an area of your artwork. But AI can do it lick-ity split and in real time.

So you decide. Do your Research. Ask important questions. Protect your hard work and ART. As I learn more I may change my mind. Currently, I am trying to keep an open mind. AI- may be good for some things. But at this time I will just keep hitting the paintbrush with paint onto my canvas. Because that is what I love and not computer work so much. I am all about “ Getting it Done” in the art studio.

Peace & Cheers,

